Markus Brier – I just love to play golf
Markus, thank you for answering the questions. You signed up for the Penati Slovak Open, why did you choose this tournament?
As my tour (the Legends Tour) was cancelled I looked around to find tournaments. Because Penati is close to home and I love the course I decided to play.

Do you know that you have made many players very happy that you play? They wanted to compete with you, some players took your application with respect.
Thanks for that. Probably they wanted to see me play a bit better, but the scores were very good and you could see the young players imroving very much.

Only a few. I know Peter Mruzek for a long time, and his son Filip. Also Ondrej Lieser I have seen a few times.
Honestly, how do you rate this tournament and organization.
Honestly, very high, especially in times like this, it is very hard to organize it. The hospitality and how the staff takes care of us players make you feel very, very welcome. From the organization side there was no thing to worry about, and everything was running very smoothly.

At the Penati Slovak Open, we used online scoring for the first time, for the first time directly from the players who recorded the results after each hole. How do you look at the future of this form of recording results, resp. also as a replacement for the score card?
It was very easy to use, I scored the whole group and it never disturbed my game. I think it is very good for the spectators and the organisers, as they always know how it stands. And for the players if they want to have a look. It can definetly replace normal scorecards.

You know Penati GR how you revealed, you are not here for the first time, tournament co-organizer Peter Petrovič revealed that you knew him as a referee at an international tournament held at Penati, you were the captain of Austria, how you evaluate this resort at that time and what you say about its development.
I just love the course and the resort, and the quality of both is amazing. There has been a lot of building going on since the last time I was here, but that offers more possibilities to stay at the resort. The combination of two courses and houses near by is perfect. A lot of my friends have been to Penati and everyone told me how good it was. And the other key is your staff, because they are always friendly and helpful.

Thanks, yes I enjoy playing on the Legends Tour, it is still competitiv and I hope to have a few more good years. It is difficult to make plans for the winter, as travelling is still not easy, but I will try to stay fit and when it is save to travel I will find a place to go.
The 5th year of the Penati Slovak Open is coming next year, will you come? the deadline is set for 12.-14. September 2021.
That depends on my schedule on the Legends Tour. But if the date fits in I will definetly come – just to lower my scores from this year.

Markus, what drives you the most in your personal life for your golf results? what is your biggest engine and driving force?
I just love to play golf. All my life I enjoyed being on a nice golf course and trying to hit as many good golf shots as possible. The great thing about it is, that I can also make a living out of it. And I learned, that in golf you never stop experencing new things – good and bad. That is just great.